Saturday, May 23, 2015

Te Aka a Tawhaki Trust - Tauranga

Te Aka a Tawhaki Trust at Tamapohore in Tauranga have commenced training for their Computers in Homes programme.

Te Aka a Tawhaki runs an outpost kura for teenage students. Their students have an enrollment with TKKM o Te Kura Kokiri and are also involved with mahi through Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, the Correspondence School.

Their teaching is based at Tamapohore Marae where they are also conducting their Computers in Homes programme.
Well done to all the whanau who are participating and we look forward to your graduation.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Aorangi School - Rotorua

Aorangi School in Rotorua starts their Computers in Homes programme in May.
With a whanau introduction hui set down for 6th May it will then be all go the following week when training starts.
Welcome to Aorangi whanau as they take up the offer of further learning for their whole family.