Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Welcome Community Centre - No 2

It's been a busy time at Welcome Bay Community Centre.
Colleen has completed the 2nd CiH programme at Welcome Bay with 7 whanau graduating and receiving their computer packages.
Thanks to Nga Mataapuna Oranga Whanau Ora collective for providing funding for this programme.
Tumeke whanau, you all completed two trainings a week and finished within 5 weeks.
You had lots of fun by the sounds of it and everyone is looking forward to Stepping UP.
Thanks Colleen for all of our mahi.
Ka mau te wehi whanau! Welcome Bay Community Centre on PhotoPeach

1 comment:

  1. Gee what a goodlooking group here ay, lol :)
    Thank you so much Ivan, Computers in Homes and of course our wonderful tutor Colleen. Everything was explained so well right from day 1. I learnt sooo much in what seems like a really short time, I was surprised. Really enjoyed the tasks and stuff we did on Office, especially the excel and power point, that was cool, I felt so clever after that session. All the little tips etc and basic internet knowledge, emails, attachments the Cc and Bcc tips and so much more. I also stayed on to complete the Stepping Up course and that was just bonus, the homework section, great for me and my kids and of course the CV section, I left that course feeling like a million dollars that day, I couldnt stop looking at my CV :D
    So, I have had my computer at home now for 3weeks and it has been fabulous. My 17yr old daughter used to be quite happy to just tap away on her phone in her room but now she socialises abit more with us now, jokes. She goes online and does the driving tests, looks on the job seek pages and even filled in an application, unfortunately her CV isnt that impressive, and she didnt really care, "I just want an interview, then they can see for themselves" she goes...I said to her, "your CV is what gets you the interview and with so many applying then yours needs to stand out!" "Can u help me mum?" "Of course I can." We are still working on that together. And I am fresh out of Stepping Up!!!
    My 8yr old is great, he does a good hour or so of maths or school type activities online and then some free time, supervised of course. This week he came home with a certificate for his participation on the class blog, we are so proud and happy for him.
    We are very grateful for this opportunity, not only for all the knowledge but to now own a computer in our home. There is no way we could have ever got one especially with all the little bits that come with it and all the tech support. Its just amazing. Thank you :)
